日本 フーズボール クラブ ミニーページ
Photos and playing locations provided by Joe Ueno last updated 11/30/00
Japan Foosball Club
Pictures, Links, Playing Locations
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New: Japanese translation of USTSA Rules of Play (PDF 54K)Translation by Yoko Iwasaki (いわさき ようこ)
Pictures (click on photos for large version, 30-45k ea.)
Tournament Orientation ようこ&じゅんこ vs。いけぶくろ
ようこ&じゅんこ (see Yoko's Foosball Corner webpage) やんのっち & ぶんじ
Photos of tournaments in Tokyo provided by Japan foosball promoter Joe Ueno, the first person to bring Tornados to Tokyo, and probably anywhere in Japan.


日本フーズボールクラブJAPAN FOOSBALL CLUB Joe Ueno and JFC now have a full webpage!!! email contact is at: jfc@x.age.ne.jp (4/2000) Also see New: Japanese translation of USTSA Rules of Play (PDF 54K)Translation by Yoko Iwasaki (いわさき ようこ)

Yoko's Foosball Corner is closed. Yoko had a free foos webpage with the ISP she used to work for. Now she helps with the Japan Foosball Club, above. Her page was the first foosball web page in Japan that I found using my kanji-kit enabled browser. If you would like to do a search in japanese katakana, other than "Fu - ZuBo - Ru" (shown here between the quotes if your browser is able:
フーズボール, sometimes it is called Table-Soccer: "Te - BuRu Sakka - ", the "kk" being a little "tsu," and the hyphens being the lengthening symbol: テーブルサッカー. (5/2000)

"Oh! Bar Heat" Fooseball Page This one looks like a personal home page, but has some tournament information for Tokyo, if you can read Japanese. This link may be temporarily down (8/99). Also try this related link, I don't know which is meant to be the top page. (1/99)

Elmo's FoosballThe owner of St. Elmo's Bar also has a foosball page. If your browser has a kanji kit, the address and phone are: xx. Click here for the top page for St. Elmo's Bar. (6/99)

Beer Bar Mugishutei (1/99)

Buffalo Yokosuka no pics (1/99)

Foos on a visit to Tokyo in Roppongi or for if you want, check out the full narrative with the picture (6/98)

Malaysia Foosball has information on Japan Foosball Club too! Click on the "Gallery" section.

Playing Locations in Tokyo, Japan area:br>
For full listing & tournament information, please see Japan Foosball Club official page

Oh! Bar-Heat(Roppongi Area): 2 Tornados ( Roppongi Tokyo Japan na) Oh Bar Heat! 3-15-24-8F No. 2 Tougennsch Building, Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo Japan zip106-0032; 81-3-3408-0840; 5 min walk from Roppongi Station.Near Gas-Panic Bar.bar is on the 8 floor but elevator only go up to 7th floor. ; Open doubles tournament Dec.6.1998. Entry fee 4000yen per team,3000 yen in advance.Highest level of play in Tokyo area. Good foosers will be there every Friday night. Ask Joe for more information or E-mail joeueno@ibm.net

Habana club(Roppongi Area): Tornado

Habana club(Ikebukuro Area):Tornado (Toshima-ku Tokyo na) Ikebukuro NIshiikebukuro1-41-2 Maki-buil; 81-3-3985-3048 1 Tornado Table(s); 3 minutes walk from Ikebukuro Station

Corn fields(Koenji Area):1 Tornado ; 5 min walk from JR Koenji Stn. Manager and assistant play. Visitors as well.Good condition.

Oh! Bar-Blow (Musashikoyama):Tornado

Ace (Yokohama):Tornado (Bar A/Bar Ace) 1-1 Kaigann-dori Naka-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken zip 231-0002; 045-663-7796 1 Tornado Table(s); North of Yamashita Park,Crossthe street from Silk center.; Planning for Open Doubles near future.Good fooser will be there Friday and Saturday

Why not?(Yokohama): TS/Million-Dollar

HUB(Kichijyouji): 1 Tournament Soccer/Million Dollar. 3 minute walk from JR Kichijoji station.; Tournament occasionally. Managers from other Hub shops come to play.

HUB(Shibuya): 1 Tournament Soccer/Million Dollar. Near Palco dept store. Located underground. Occasionally good players on fridays. Locals as well as non-Japanese.; Infrequent Tournaments

Pints (Roppongi ): 1 TS/Million-Dollar. Near Kentos;

Pizzakaiya (Nishi-Azabu): 1 TS/Million-Dollar. Between AsahiTV-dori & Nishi-Azabu corner.

(name?)Takadanobaba, 1 TS/Million Dollar. Tokyo 5 min. walk from Takadanobaba station.; Lots of soccer fans particuraly foreigners. Ales Fish & Chips.

St. Elmo's Bar (? see link above for address & phone.)

New: Japanese translation of USTSA Rules of Play (PDF 54K)Translation by いわさき ようこ(Yoko Iwasaki)

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Email: 植山和彦 Robert Uyeyama (uyeyama@hawaii.edu)